Level: | 227 | Life points: | 1990 | Ratio: | 8.77 | Max hit: | 690 |
Quest: | No | Members: | Yes | Aggressive: | Yes | Retreats: | No | Poisonous: | No |
Possible drops: |
100%: | Dragon bones, Black dragonhide
| Coins: | 196-3000 gp
| Runes: | Air runes (75), Fire runes (50), Chaos runes (10), Nature runes (67), Law runes (3,10,45), Death runes (5-45), Blood runes (15)
| Weapons: | Steel arrows (150, rare), Black hatchet, Mithril hatchet, Mithril battleaxe, Mithril 2h sword, Adamant dart(p) (16), 30 Adamant javelins (20-30, common), 16 Adamant darts(p), 2 Rune knives, Rune longsword, Rune 2h sword (rare), Rune arrows (42, rare), Rune spear (rare), Rune battleaxe, Dragon spear (rare)
| Armour: | Mithril kiteshield, Adamant platebody, Rune kiteshield (rare), Rune sq shield (rare), Rune chainbody, Rune platebody, Dragon med helm
| Charms: | 3 Green charms (most common), 3 Gold charm, 3 Crimson charms, 3 Blue charms (least common)
| Misc.: | Grimy herbs, Chocolate cake, Chaos talisman, Nature talisman, Silver ore (100 noted), Adamanite bar (1-2), Runite bar, Clue scroll (Level 3), uncut gems, Half of a key, Shield left half (rare), Draconic visage (very rare), Black Dragon egg (must have 99 summoning to get the drop)
General information |
Location: | - Taverley Dungeon (near chaos druids)
- Evil Chicken's Lair (Recipe for Disaster)
| Examine: | "A fierce dragon with black scales." | Notes: | Can hit 690 with its fire breath, so players should always use an Anti-dragon shield (eventually combined with an antifire potion) when fighting these dragons. It can hit up to 210 with its melee attack.
Can be ranged without getting hit.